As always, the safety of our participants, staff, and families is the most important thing for us.
Our response to the coronavirus pandemic continues to be informed by the guidance of official bodies, including Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, whose framework for mitigation for community groups is based on the level of community transmission of COVID-19, as well as the latest Nevada State Guidelines.
As the national response to the coronavirus pandemic shifts to a state-focused and phased approach, the Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup will follow all local and state health authorities as well as US Soccer, USYSNV and US Club Soccer in order to implement the appropriate protocols to help keep our participants, volunteers, and officials safe.
The COVID19 Guidelines set forth by the Governor of Nevada and approved Department of Business and Industry set the groundwork for our safety plan. It is vitally important that everyone adhere to the guidelines. Unless stated specifically, every guideline is mandatory.
We thank you for your concern and know that we will do whatever it takes to keep everyone safe during these difficult times.
Our ability to stage this tournament is due to the approval from the Governor of Nevada and the Department of Business and Industry. The Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup does not determine these rules, however, as a condition of staging a youth soccer tournament, we have agreed to enforce the rules set forth here. The Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup does not take a position on the validity of the rules nor their effects. Any person who enters the area of the park in which the Mayor’s Cup games are being held must agree to follow the rules. Every person, except for the players engaged in the game and game officials must wear a mask while at the event. If you have a condition or a personal reason not to wear a mask, we ask that you do not attend. As part of our agreement to enforce these rules, we have stated that teams who have members coaches, parents, or spectators that do not comply are subject to forfeit, removal of points, or dismissal from the tournament. The Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup is not an event to make a statement. It is about kids playing soccer and we believe everyone should follow the rules for their sake.
Face Coverings
It is mandatory that every player, coach, manager, parent, spectator, officials and tournament staff, vendor, and anyone else who is at the Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup must wear a face covering. The face-covering must fully cover the mouth and nose and must fit snugly against the sides of the face with no gaps. Coaches and players on the bench must wear a face covering.
Players warming up or engaged in the game on the field are not required to wear a face covering. Officials refereeing a game, either the Referee or the Assistant Referee and not required to wear face coverings while the game is in play
Spectators and Social Distancing
The number of spectators is limited to 1 spectator per player on the team roster. Players and coaches on the team bench must social distance with six feet of spacing. Spectators must social distance with 6 feet spacing. Family pods may occupy the same area but must stay 6 feet from other pods or spectators. More on Social Distancing
Updated 4/13/2021
Mandatory Testing and Screening
Every coach, manager, or other adult members of the team bench must have a current COVID-19 test before they will be allowed to participate in the Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup. It is recommended that players be tested, but this is not required. More on Testing
Teams will be required to provide contactless temperature screenings for all players/athletes, coaches before arriving at the Tournament facilities each game.
Cleaning and Sanitizing
The coach will be the only person allowed to touch or handle warm-up equipment. The equipment must be cleaned and sanitized using disinfectants that are included on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved list for the SARS-CoV- 2 virus that causes COVID-19.
Pennies and uniforms must be washed after each use. The home team Safety Official will be responsible for cleaning and sanitizing the game balls before the game, during the break, and after the game. More on Shared Equipment
Players will complete a health assessment prior to each game.
Any player who is not feeling well has a fever of 100.4 degrees, or exhibiting any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, including mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, and/or difficulty breathing, or other symptoms identified by the CDC, is asked to stay home or leave immediately.
Any player who has been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 may not attend training. CDC guidelines on contact with a person who tests positive should be followed.
Players that have tested positive for COVID-19, are encouraged to provide written confirmation of COVID-19 negative status and/or clearance from your physician in compliance with the most up to date CDC guidelines.
No high fives, handshakes, and any form of touching.
Maintain a minimum contact during training to the best of your ability.
Players are required to wear masks when not actively training, including while coming to or leaving the field. Players are allowed to wear masks while training, but this is not mandatory.
While not actively participating, maintain six feet of social distance.
Players should use hand sanitizer before practice, during breaks, and after practice. Each team will make sanitizer available to coaches and players and it is recommended that players have individual containers as well.
All players should bring their own ball, and avoid sharing it as much as possible. All balls should be sanitized after each practice or game.
Uniforms must be washed after each game using approved EPA List “N” cleaners (page 6).
No sharing of water bottles or food. Players should bring enough water for pre, during and post-training. Extra considerations should be taken depending on the climate.
Only coaches are to move team equipment such as cones, training poles, etc.
No spitting! This includes goalie gloves.
Players are recommended to use their own pinnies during warm-ups. Shared pinnies should be washed between each use.
No congregating before or after games is allowed. Practice and game times should be staggered to allow for social distancing between the entrance and exit of teams.
All Coaches and adults at the team bench are required to have a COVID-19 test prior to your arrival at the Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup. Only carded team officials will be allowed to coach teams and anyone coaching a team must be tested before arriving at the Mayor’s Cup.
All teams playing in the Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup will communicate to their coaches the following approved guidelines in accordance with the State of Nevada Directive 034.
Any coach who is not feeling well has a fever of 100.4, or exhibiting any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, including mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, and/or difficulty breathing, or other symptoms identified by the CDC, is not allowed to participate.
Additionally, any coach who has been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 should not attend training. CDC guidelines on contact with a person who tests positive should be followed.
Coaches will complete a health assessment prior to each game played.
Coaches will make sure each player, coach, manager, and spectator have been screened with their temperature checked prior to games.
The coach should limit group warm-up sizes and continue to enforce social distancing when possible.
Coaches will not allow high fives, handshakes and any form of touching where possible and support the team in doing the same.
Coaches must maintain a minimum of six feet social distancing throughout training and games, if possible.
Coaches must wear a mask at all times. Breaks for mask usage may be taken when the coach is greater than 15 feet away from any person.
Coaches should not provide team benches.
Coaches should use and make available to players hand sanitizer before games, during breaks, and after games. Each team should make sanitizer available, but we recommend each coach having some as well.
Coaches should avoid as much as possible shared equipment (soccer balls, cones, etc.) and sanitize any shared equipment during breaks and after each practice or game.
Coaches will not share water bottles or food with players or others.
Only coaches are to move team equipment such as cones, training poles, etc. After each practice or game in which it is used it should be sanitized.
Coaches will not share scrimmage vests (pinnies) amongst separate teams. Pinnies should be regularly washed after each use.
Coaches should plan warm-up activities that minimize levels of contact. If families are not comfortable with training activities, they may opt-out without penalty.
All clubs and teams are required to appoint at least one COVID representative who will be responsible for coordinating the necessary actions mandatory to keep your members, coaches, referees, and players safe. Each team will appoint a Covid Safety Officer. The purpose of this position will be to ensure compliance with all health and safety guidelines within your team by working with coaches, players, parents, referees, and spectators (should they be allowed). This person will report directly to their club or team and shall be a liaison between the team and the tournament.
The person must:
Be familiar with local and national health guidelines in relation to COVID-19 as well as State of Nevada Directive 034 – Youth Sports
Be a registered club or team employee, officer, coach or team manager.
Complete the Letter of Attestation that designates them as the Safety Officer. They must also record the testing of coaches, managers, and team officials and upload the letter, signed, to their team account in the Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup documents by Wednesday, May 5 (Boys teams playing 5/7-5/9) or Wednesday May 12,(Girls teams playing 5/14-5/16)
Require all players, coaches and spectators to follow the guidelines – wearing masks (when not actively participating), social distancing, etc.
Require all players partake in the COVID screening [HERE], and complete the COVID-19 Screening For Sports sheet [HERE]
Require all players, coaches, and spectators to have their temperature taken complete the screening questions assessment prior to each game.
Thermometers (touchless recommended) will be need to be brought with you.
Take proper steps in alerting Mayor’s Cup officials and Nevada Youth Soccer Association if a member shows symptoms, is around a positive case, or tests positive themselves.
Communicate with the coach and referee at games to ensure protocols are being followed on the sidelines. Games will not commence until the sidelines are in compliance.
Responsible for regularly sanitizing shared equipment including game balls with sanitizers/disinfectants from EPA “N” List
Understand and know the required contact time for the sanitizer/disinfectants being used.
Refusal to comply with the safety guidelines by any player, spectator or attendee must be reported to the Mayor’s Cup Staff.
If the same individual or group is asked to comply 3 times within the same game or has had a complaint against them notified to the CSO or Mayor’s Cup staff, the tournament will call the local park marshal to remove the individual or group. Teams that have coaches, players or spectators who do not comply, may be subject to tournament discipline up to and. including Forfeits, loss of points, or removal from the tournament.
All Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup teams will communicate to their parents and spectators the following approved guidelines in accordance with the State of Nevada Directive 034.
The maximum number of spectators allowed at each game will be 1 per player.
Any players or spectator who is not feeling well has a fever of 100.4, or exhibiting any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, including mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, and/or difficulty breathing, or other symptoms identified by the CDC, is asked to stay home or leave immediately.
Any parent or spectator who has been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 may not attend training. CDC guidelines on contact with a person who tests positive should be followed.
Parents and spectators at games must complete an at-home health assessment and have check their temperature prior to attending any competition. If the parent or spectator has reason to believe they may have symptoms or a temperature of 100.4 they shall not attend.
Assure your player is aware of all responsibilities around COVID-19 restrictions and is prepared to adhere to them.
Parents and families should limit spectating the game only. Parents should drop off players close to the start of warm-up and wait in their cars until the start of the match. Should parents stay, they should remain away from the field area, follow social distancing, and wear masks when around others.
Parents and spectators should keep their own “pod” on the sideline and maintain 6ft from others, not within their own party.
Uniforms must be washed after each training session or game.
Parents should make sure their player has adequate water, food, or other items needed through games.
It is strongly recommended each player bring their own hand sanitizer.
Parents are not allowed to congregate before or after games. Once the game is over, they should immediately leave the area.
Parents should plan to drop-off and pick-up their player within 5 minutes of starting and completion of the games.
Each team is required to complete this letter of attestation. Teams will complete this letter and upload it to their document page [Instructions]
Adult coaches, managers will be required to provide a recent Covid-19 test and submit the results with their team’s credentials in order to participate in the Mayor’s Cup. The team credentials will be inspected by Mayor’s Cup Staff to ensure compliance. The test should be completed by April 28, 2021 (Boys 5/7-9) or May 5 (Girls 5/14-16).
Notice: The Nevada Department of Business and Industry has determined that the Governor’s directive that states all Coaches, Managers and Officials be tested, DOES NOT EXEMPT anyone who has been vaccinated.
It is strongly recommend that all players/athletes test for COVID-19 prior to the start of the Tournament. This is not required under these guidelines. If the players are tested, please bring the results of the test with you.
Teams will be required to provide contactless temperature screenings for all players/athletes, coaches before arriving at the Tournament facilities.
Contactless temperature screenings are strongly encouraged for spectators and attendees and will be administered by the Team’s Safety Official.
Part of the screening process will be to instruct or remind players, coaches, spectators, officials, Mayor’s Cup staff and any other participants to practice healthy hygiene including washing their hands frequently and covering their sneezes and cough
All coaches, managers, athletes/players, spectators/attendees, MUST respond to COVID-19 screening-survey questions when tested. As part of the game check-in, teams will be required to present to the field marshall, a completed screening for sports sheet with each participant listed and the answers to the screening questions below.
The team’s Safety Official shall conduct regular symptom and exposure assessments for all players, spectators coaches and managers. Before each game, the Safety officer must submit a COVID-19 Screening Roster to the Mayor’s Cup Staff.
Daily symptom assessments should include monitoring for fever, cough, and trouble breathing, and also whether individuals have been exposed through household members or others
Parents will be encouraged to be on the alert for signs of illness in their children and themselves and stay home when sick.
The Mayor’s Cup Staff will select random participants for field screenings.
Any player that required to use of a Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup trainer will be screened before services can be performed.
Participant screening is one of the most effective tools to prevent the spread of COVID-19. It is important that these steps be taken seriously and performed with everyone’s health in mind.
1. Take each player’s and coaches temperature using a contactless thermometer. IF ANYONE HAS A TEMPERATURE OF 100.4 DEGREES, THEY ARE INELIGIBLE AND MAY NOT GO TO THE FIELDS. Alert tournament staff. With outside temperatures being higher in May, we suggest taking these temperatures indoors before heading out to the fields.
2. Ask the questions listed on the COVID-19 Screening Questions to each coach and player. IF ANYONE ANSWERS YES TO ANY OF THE QUESTIONS, THEY ARE INELIGIBLE AND MAY NOT GO THE FIELDS. Alert tournament staff.
3. Record the answers to the screening question on the COVID-19 Screening Roster next to each player’s name. If you have a larger roster, use more sheets. You must turn in this sheet with the Safety Official’s signature confirming the screening was completed at the pre-game check-in.
4. Turn in the Screening Roster to the field marshal when your team does its pre-game check-in. Both the field marshal and the game officials will not allow a game to begin without having the signed Screening Roster submitted.
5. Take each parent/spectators temperature using a contactless thermometer. IF ANYONE HAS A TEMPERATURE OF 100.4 DEGREES, THEY MAY NOT GO TO THE FIELDS. Alert tournament staff.
6. Ask the screening questions listed on the COVID-19 Screening Questions to each parent and spectator. IF ANYONE ANSWERS YES TO ANY OF THE QUESTIONS, THEY ARE INELIGIBLE AND MAY NOT GO THE FIELDS. Alert tournament staff.
The Mayor’s Cup Staff will be responsible for maintaining the flow of people and may remove anyone who does not abide by the guidelines.
- Games will be timed to allow at least a 30-minute break between the finish and start of subsequent sessions, to allow for departure and arrival without congestion. Teams are not allowed on the fields until the previos team has left.
- The Mayor’s Cup will encourage players and to minimize their arrival time prior to a game or warm-up session.
- Teams and spectators will be required to depart the field or facility immediately upon completion of the game or practice.
- Teams and spectators will occupy opposite sides of the fields.
- The Mayor’s Cup will encourage players to wait in their cars with guardians as feasible until just before the beginning of a warm-up, or game, instead of forming a group.
- The Mayor’s Cup will require teams to Stay Outside Of The Premises (e.g. in vehicles) until scheduled game time.This allows people to leave the premises before entering and minimizes gathering.
- Ony nter gates designated for your field.
- Players, Coaches, spectators and Mayor’s Cup Staff will be required to follow facility layout and traffic procedures.
The Mayor’s Cup will add additional restroom facilities and have a staff member to clean and monitor the area for congestion.
Under the Governor’s Directive 033 related to gatherings, spectators may be allowed at sporting events covered under this guidance pursuant to the capacity restrictions set forth in the directive. However, it is still recommended that fans at sporting events be additionally limited and restricted to minimize the congregation of fans, parents/guardians, household members, and other spectators during this pandemic. In addition to the Governor’s Directive 33, the City of Las Vegas has mandated the number of participants allowed on each field.
The Mayor’s Cup Staff will be required to monitor to make sure that spectators keep six (6) feet of physical distance, including at entrances, exits, restrooms and any other area where people may gather. Spectators that do not follow the guidelines will be removed from the facility.
- The Mayor’s Cup will assign designated areas for managers and coaches, when not practicing/playing, to ensure physical distancing is maintained.
- The Mayor’s Cup will get the number of coaches, players, and spectators that will participate in each game and will monitor the number of spectators at each fields to determine if the number of participants is under the maximum number of people allowed by Directive 33 and the City of Las Vegas Limits. Under the directives, the number of spectators will not exceed one (1) per player on the team roster. The team’s Safety Official will also be required to monitor the number of spectators, adherence to mask requirements and other requirements directed to each team. If necessary, the Mayor’s Cup Staff will remove spectators if the number exceeds the number allowed by the Directives
- The Mayor’s Cup will use the largest field size available for age appropriate facilities.
- The Mayor’s Cup will encourage social distancing through increased spacing during warm-ups, small groups, and limited mixing between groups, and staggered scheduling, arrival, and drop off, as feasible.
- Spectators are required to arrive at the field area five minutes before game time.
- The Mayor’s Cup will direct all teams and spectators to leave the premises immediately after their game.
- Coaches and players in the bench areas will be required to be at least 6 feet apart.
- The Mayor’s Cup will provide physical guides and post signs or visual cues on the ground or walls to indicate appropriate spacing distance.
- The Mayor’s Cup prohibits unnecessary physical contact, such as high fives, handshakes, fist bumps, or hugs.
- Players will be strongly encouraged not to travel with other members of the team and only members of their immediate households.
- Parents and spectators will not be allowed to congregate, before, during or after a game.
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