Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
2005 Results
October 28-30, 2005
Boys U11 Silver
A1 Cisco 95 Warhawks Scottsdale AZ 17
A2 JUFC Socceroos Las Vegas NV 3
A3 Neusport 95 White Las Vegas NV 10
A4 Downtown LVSC 96 White Las Vegas NV 28
B1 Rebels Select 95 Red Las Vegas NV 19
B2 Neusport 96 Green Las Vegas NV 4
B3 Heat FC 95 Henderson NV 19
B4 Downtown LVSC 95 Gold Las Vegas NV 17
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
8:00am BWilson 1 Cisco 95 Warhawks 2-1 JUFC Socceroos
8:00am BWilson 2 Neusport 95 White 0-3 Downtown LVSC 96 White
8:00am BWilson 3 Rebels Select 95 Red 3-2 Neusport 96 Green
9:20am BWilson 4 Heat FC 95 2-0 Downtown LVSC 95 Gold
2:40pm BWilson 3 JUFC Socceroos 2-4 Neusport 95 White
2:40pm BWilson 4 Downtown LVSC 96 White 2-1 Cisco 95 Warhawks
2:40pm BWilson 5 Neusport 96 Green 0-4 Heat FC 95
2:40pm BWilson 6 Downtown LVSC 95 Gold 2-1 Rebels Select 95 Red
1:20pm BuffWash 8 Cisco 95 Warhawks 2-1 Neusport 95 White
1:20pm BuffWash 9 JUFC Socceroos 0-6 Downtown LVSC 96 White
1:20pm BuffWash 10 Rebels Select 95 Red 2-0 Heat FC 95
1:20pm BuffWash 11 Neusport 96 Green 2-4 Downtown LVSC 95 Gold
4:00pm BWilson 5 Downtown LVSC 96 White 1-4 Rebels Select 95 Red
5:20pm BWilson 4 Cisco 95 Warhawks 3-0 Heat FC 95
Winner: Rebels Select 95 Red
Runner-Up: Downtown LVSC 96 White
Third: Cisco 95 Warhawks
Boys U11 Gold
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
BU11 Gold
A1 AZ Storm 95 Palm Valley AZ 18
A2 Genesis SC Boise ID 1
A3 Downtown LVSC 96 Gold Las Vegas NV 12
B1 Salsa 95 Las Vegas NV 2
B2 Cordica 95 Las Vegas NV 10
B3 Central Valley SA Cyclone Fresno CA-N 17
C1 JUFC Olympia Legacy Las Vegas NV 14
C2 ESC 95 Black Edmond OK 15
C3 Gilbert Arsenal 95 Premier Gilbert AZ 1
D1 Cisco 95 Strikers Scottsdale AZ 11
D2 NXL 95 Las Vegas NV 1
D3 Neusport 95 Green Las Vegas NV 18
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
8:00am BWilson 7 AZ Storm 95 4-1 Genesis SC
8:00am BWilson 8 Salsa 95 1-3 Cordica 95
8:00am BWilson 9 JUFC Olympia Legacy 2-2 ESC 95 Black
8:00am BWilson 10 Cisco 95 Strikers 3-0 NXL 95
12:00pm BWilson 7 Genesis SC 0-5 Downtown LVSC 96 Gold
12:00pm BWilson 8 Cordica 95 1-2 Central Valley SA Cyclone
12:00pm BWilson 9 ESC 95 Black 4-0 Gilbert Arsenal 95 Premier
12:00pm BWilson 10 NXL 95 -1 2-5 Neusport 95 Green
4:00pm BWilson 7 Downtown LVSC 96 Gold 2-4 AZ Storm 95
4:00pm BWilson 8 Central Valley SA Cyclone 6-1 Salsa 95
4:00pm BWilson 9 Gilbert Arsenal 95 Premier 1-5 JUFC Olympia Legacy
4:00pm BWilson 10 Neusport 95 Green 3-1 Cisco 95 Strikers
8:00am BWilson 1 AZ Storm 95 1-3 Central Valley SA CycSemi
8:00am BWilson 2 ESC 95 Black 4-1 Neusport 95 Green Semi
10:40am BWilson 7 Downtown LVSC 96 Gold 1-3 Cordica 95
10:40am BWilson 8 JUFC Olympia Legacy 3-2 Cisco 95 Strikers
10:40am BWilson 9 Genesis SC 2-2 Salsa 95
10:40am BWilson 10 Gilbert Arsenal 95 Premier 1-4 NXL 95
12:00pm BWilson 1 Central Valley SA Cyclone 2-1 ESC 95 Black
12:00pm BWilson 2 Neusport 95 Green 1-0 AZ Storm 95
Winner: Central Valley SA Cyclone
Runner-Up: ESC 95 Black
Third: Neusport 95 Green
Boys U12 Gold
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
BU12 Gold
A1 San Ramon Siege San Ramon CA-N 9
A2 Neusport 94 White Las Vegas NV 0
A3 Cordica 94 Las Vegas NV 20
B1 Downtown LVSC 94 Gold Las Vegas NV 4
B2 Central Valley SA Cyclone Fresno CA-N 18
B3 Devastation SC 94 Blue Henderson NV 9
C1 Pumas United Las Vegas NV 10
C2 Neusport 94 Green Las Vegas NV 10
C3 Laguna Beach SC Laguna Beach CA-S 12
D1 TSA 94 Red Tucson AZ 9
D2 Rebels Select 94 Red Las Vegas NV 2
D3 Heat FC 94 Henderson NV 17
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
9:20am BWilson 7 San Ramon Siege 5-0 Neusport 94 White
9:20am BWilson 8 Downtown LVSC 94 Gold 2-5 Central Valley SA Cyclone
9:20am BWilson 9 Pumas United 1-2 Neusport 94 Green
9:20am BWilson 10 TSA 94 Red 3-1 Rebels Select 94 Red
1:20pm BWilson 7 Neusport 94 White 0-16 Cordica 94
1:20pm BWilson 8 Central Valley SA Cyclone 2-0 Devastation SC 94 Blue
1:20pm BWilson 9 Neusport 94 Green 2-4 Laguna Beach SC
1:20pm BWilson 10 Rebels Select 94 Red 1-5 Heat FC 94
5:20pm BWilson 7 Cordica 94 5-0 -1 San Ramon Siege
5:20pm BWilson 8 Devastation SC 94 Blue 3-2 Downtown LVSC 94 Gold
5:20pm BWilson 9 Laguna Beach SC 3-8 Pumas United
5:20pm BWilson 10 Heat FC 94 1-0 TSA 94 Red
8:00am BWilson 3 Cordica 94 9-1 Central Valley SA CySemi
8:00am BWilson 4 Laguna Beach SC 2-0 Heat FC 94 Semi
12:00pm BWilson 5 San Ramon Siege 3-2 Devastation SC 94 Blue
12:00pm BWilson 6 Neusport 94 Green 3-0 TSA 94 Red
12:00pm BWilson 7 Neusport 94 White 2-1 Downtown LVSC 94 Gold
12:00pm BWilson 8 Pumas United 6-2 Rebels Select 94 Red
4:00pm BWilson 3 Cordica 94 10 Laguna Beach SC
4:00pm BWilson 4 Central Valley SA Cyclone 2-0 Heat FC 94
Winner: Cordica 94
Runner-Up: Laguna Beach SC
Third: Central Valley SA Cyclone
Boys U13 Gold
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
BU13 Gold
A1 Strikers FC Reno NV 4
A2 Colorado Rush Swoosh Lakewood CO 10
A3 Downtown LVSC 93 Gold Las Vegas NV 13
B1 Cordica 93 Las Vegas NV 19
B2 Las Vegas Lions Las Vegas NV 9
B3 Genesis SC Boise ID 0
C1 Las Vegas Premier 93 Las Vegas NV 0
C2 Club Atlas Las Vegas NV 18
C3 TSA 93 Red Tucson AZ 10
D1 Central Valley SA Cyclone Fresno CA-N 10
D2 Devastation SC 93 Blue Henderson NV 1
D3 Santos Laguna Las Vegas NV 19
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
9:20am BuffWash 8 Strikers FC 0-1 Colorado Rush Swoosh
9:20am BuffWash 9 Cordica 93 5-1 Las Vegas Lions
9:20am BuffWash 10 Las Vegas Premier 93 0-2 Club Atlas
9:20am BuffWash 11 Central Valley SA Cyclone 4-0 Devastation SC 93 Blue
1:20pm BuffWash 8 Colorado Rush Swoosh 2-3 Downtown LVSC 93 Gold
1:20pm BuffWash 9 Las Vegas Lions 1-0 Genesis SC
1:20pm BuffWash 10 Club Atlas 3-2 TSA 93 Red
1:20pm BuffWash 11 Devastation SC 93 Blue 1-9 Santos Laguna
5:20pm BuffWash 3 Santos Laguna 3-0 Central Valley SA Cyclone
5:20pm BuffWash 4 Genesis SC 0-3 Cordica 93
5:20pm BuffWash 5 TSA 93 Red 1-0 Las Vegas Premier 93
5:20pm BuffWash 6 Downtown LVSC 93 Gold 1-1 Strikers FC
8:00am BuffWash 9 Downtown LVSC 93 Gold 3-7 Cordica 93 Semi
8:00am BuffWash 10 Club Atlas 5-1 Santos Laguna Semi
12:00pm BuffWash 3 Colorado Rush Swoosh 1-0 Las Vegas Lions
12:00pm BuffWash 4 TSA 93 Red 3-0 Central Valley SA Cyclone
12:00pm BuffWash 5 Strikers FC 2-0 Devastation SC 93 Blue
12:00pm BuffWash 6 Las Vegas Premier 93 2-1 Genesis SC
2:40pm BWilson 5 Cordica 93 0-0 F Club Atlas
2:40pm BWilson 8 Downtown LVSC 93 Gold 0-0 F
Winner: Cordica 93
Third: Downtown LVSC 93 Gold
Boys U13/14 Silver
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
BU13/14 Silver
A1 Neusport 92 Green Las Vegas NV 28
A2 Dorado Las Vegas NV 18
A3 Rebels Select 93 Red Las Vegas NV 5
A4 Arsenal Las Vegas NV 6
B1 LV Blaze Las Vegas NV 0
B2 Neusport 93 Green Las Vegas NV 26
B3 TSA 93 Blue Tucson AZ 15
B4 JUFC Olympia Las Vegas NV 15
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
10:40am BWilson 4 Neusport 92 Green 1-0 Dorado
12:00pm BWilson 3 TSA 93 Blue 2-2 JUFC Olympia
12:00pm BWilson 4 Rebels Select Red 1-1 Arsenal
12:00pm BWilson 5 LV Blaze 0-13 Neusport 93 Green
6:40pm BWilson 7 Dorado 4-1 Rebels Select Red
6:40pm BWilson 8 Arsenal 0-4 Neusport 92 Green
6:40pm BWilson 9 Neusport 93 Green 1-0 TSA 93 Blue
6:40pm BWilson 10 JUFC Olympia 12-0 LV Blaze
8:00am BWilson 5 Neusport 92 Green 5-0 Rebels Select Red
8:00am BWilson 6 Dorado 3-2 Arsenal
8:00am BWilson 7 LV Blaze 0-6 TSA 93 Blue
8:00am BWilson 8 Neusport 93 Green 4-1 F JUFC Olympia
1:20pm BWilson 8 Dorado 9-1 TSA 93 Blue
4:00pm BWilson 1 Neusport 92 Green 6-0 Neusport 93 Green
Winner: Neusport 92 Green
Runner-Up: Neusport 93 Green
Third: Dorado
Boys U14 Gold
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
BU14 Gold
A1 Downtown LVSC 92 Gold Las Vegas NV 12
A2 Bullard United Fresno CA-N 0
A3 UNU Arsenal El Paso TX-S 12
B1 San Ramon Strike Force San Ramon CA-N 9
B2 NLV Empire No. Las Vegas NV 13
B3 AZFC Hammers 92 Chandler AZ 6
C1 Orchard Valley Eagles Morgan Hill CA-N 19
C2 Devastation SC 92 Blue Henderson NV 5
C3 Delfines de Rosarito Rosarito Beach MX 5
D1 TSA 92 Red Tucson AZ 5
D2 Pumas United Las Vegas NV 18
D3 Northwest United Las Vegas NV 4
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
8:00am BuffWash 6 Downtown LVSC 92 Gold 1-0 Bullard United
8:00am BuffWash 7 San Ramon Strike Force 0-1 NLV Empire
8:00am BuffWash 8 Orchard Valley Eagles 2-0 Devastation SC 92 Blue
8:00am BuffWash 9 TSA 92 Red 1-3 Pumas United
12:00pm BuffWash 7 Bullard United 0-2 -1 UNU Arsenal
12:00pm BuffWash 8 Devastation SC 92 Blue 2-2 Delfines de Rosarito
12:00pm BuffWash 9 NLV Empire 2-2 AZFC Hammers 92
12:00pm BuffWash 10 Pumas United 2-0 Northwest United
2:40pm BuffWash 5 UNU Arsenal 1-1 Downtown LVSC 92 Gold
2:40pm BuffWash 6 AZFC Hammers 92 1-3 San Ramon Strike Force
2:40pm BuffWash 7 Delfines de Rosarito 0-5 Orchard Valley Eagles
2:40pm BuffWash 8 Northwest United 1-1 TSA 92 Red
8:00am BuffWash 7 UNU Arsenal 0-1 NLV Empire Semi
8:00am BuffWash 8 Orchard Valley Eagles 2-0 Pumas United Semi
10:40am BuffWash 10 Downtown LVSC 92 Gold 2-3 San Ramon Strike Force
10:40am BuffWash 11 Devastation SC 92 Blue 2-2 TSA 92 Red
12:00pm BuffWash 1 Bullard United 4-0 AZFC Hammers 92
12:00pm BuffWash 2 Delfines de Rosarito 0-2 Northwest United
1:20pm BWilson 7 NLV Empire 1-0 Orchard Valley Eagles
2:40pm BWilson 7 UNU Arsenal 2-5 Pumas United
Winner: NLV Empire
Runner-Up: Orchard Valley Eagles
Third: Pumas United
Boys U15/U16 Gold
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
BU15-16 Gold
A1 RSC Fuego Jrs. Fresno CA-N 20
A2 Durango Las Vegas NV 9
A3 Mojave Green Kingman AZ 2
B1 Aztecas Las Vegas NV 0
B2 Bullard United Fresno CA-N 18
B3 SCC Breakers 89 White Santa Cruz CA-N 10
C1 Screaming Eagles Las Vegas NV 0
C2 Cisco Toros Scottsdale AZ 29
C3 NV Devils Las Vegas NV 11
C4 Livermore Elite Extreme Livermore CA-N 19
Park Field Home Result Visitor
9:20am BuffWash 1 RSC Fuego Jrs. 7-0 Durango
9:20am BuffWash 2 Aztecas 0-11 Bullard United
12:00pm BuffWash 1 Screaming Eagles 0-13 Cisco Toros
12:00pm BuffWash 2 NV Devils 1-7 Livermore Elite Extreme
1:20pm BuffWash 1 Durango 4-2 Mojave Green
1:20pm BuffWash 2 Bullard United 2-0 SCC Breakers 89 White
4:00pm BuffWash 1 Cisco Toros 7-0 NV Devils
4:00pm BuffWash 2 Livermore Elite Extreme 10-0 Screaming Eagles
5:20pm BuffWash 1 Mojave Green 0-11 RSC Fuego Jrs.
5:20pm BuffWash 2 SCC Breakers 89 White 14-0 Aztecas
9:20am BuffWash 4 RSC Fuego Jrs. 1-0 Bullard United Semi
9:20am BuffWash 5 Screaming Eagles 0-14 NV Devils
9:20am BuffWash 6 Cisco Toros 2-0 Livermore Elite Extreme
1:20pm BuffWash 1 Durango F SCC Breakers 89 White
1:20pm BuffWash 2 Mojave Green Aztecas
1:20pm BWilson 4 RSC Fuego Jrs. 02 Cisco Toros
1:20pm BWilson 5 Bullard United 0-1 Livermore Elite Extreme
Winner: Cisco Toros
Runner-Up: RSC Fuego Jrs.
Third: Livermore Elite Extreme
Boys U17/18 Gold
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
BU17-19 Gold
A1 Mission SC Lion Kings San Francisco CA-N 1
A2 Cisco Potros Scottsdale AZ 10
A3 San Ramon Heat San Ramon CA-N 18
B1 San Carlos Fusion San Carlos CA-N 10
B2 Tracy United Assault Tracy CA-N 17
B3 Ft. Lowell Syndicate Tucson AZ 1
Park Field Home Result Visitor
10:40am BuffWash 1 Mission SC Lion Kings 1-5 Cisco Potros
10:40am BuffWash 2 San Carlos Fusion 1-3 Tracy United Assault
2:40pm BuffWash 1 Cisco Potros 1-2 San Ramon Heat
2:40pm BuffWash 2 Tracy United Assault 2-1 Ft. Lowell Syndicate
6:40pm BuffWash 1 San Ramon Heat 3-0 Mission SC Lion Kings
6:40pm BuffWash 2 Ft. Lowell Syndicate 0-2 San Carlos Fusion
8:00am BuffWash 1 San Ramon Heat PK 1-1 San Carlos Fusion Semi
8:00am BuffWash 2 Tracy United Assault 0-3 Cisco Potros Semi
10:40am BuffWash 5 Mission SC Lion Kings 1-1 Ft. Lowell Syndicate
1:20pm BWilson 1 San Ramon Heat 0-2 Cisco Potros
2:40pm BWilson 1 San Carlos Fusion 1-0 Tracy United Assault
Winner: Cisco Potros
Runner-Up: San Ramon Heat
Third: San Carlos Fusion
Girls U11 Gold
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
GU11 Gold
A1 LV Premier 95 White Las Vegas NV 16
A2 Tabagators 95 White Las Vegas NV 8
A3 Pinnacle 95 Premier Scottsdale AZ 30
A4 Rebels Select 95 Red Las Vegas NV 0
B1 Rebels Select 95 White Las Vegas NV 1
B2 Tabagators 95 Green Las Vegas NV 30
B3 NXL 95 Las Vegas NV 10
B4 Vegas Vengeance Las Vegas NV 17
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
10:40am BWilson 2 LV Premier 95 White 1-0 Tabagators 95 White
10:40am BWilson 3 Pinnacle 95 Premier 5-0 Rebels Select 95 Red
10:40am BWilson 5 Rebels Select 95 White 0-9 Tabagators 95 Green
10:40am BWilson 6 NXL 95 1-2 Vegas Vengeance
4:00pm BWilson 3 Tabagators 95 White 0-3 Pinnacle 95 Premier
4:00pm BWilson 4 Rebels Select 95 Red 0-2 LV Premier 95 White
4:00pm BWilson 5 Tabagators 95 Green 10-0 NXL 95
4:00pm BWilson 6 Vegas Vengeance 2-0 Rebels Select 95 White
8:00am BWilson 9 LV Premier 95 White 0-5 Pinnacle 95 Premier
8:00am BWilson 10 Tabagators 95 White 1-0 Rebels Select 95 Red
9:20am BWilson 9 Rebels Select 95 White 1-4 NXL 95
9:20am BWilson 10 Tabagators 95 Green 6-0 Vegas Vengeance
12:00pm BWilson 9 Pinnacle 95 Premier 0-2 Tabagators 95 Green
12:00pm BWilson 10 LV Premier 95 White 1-2 Vegas Vengeance
Winner: Tabagators 95 Green
Runner-Up: Pinnacle 95 Premier
Third: Vegas Vengeance
Girls U11 Silver
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
GU11 Silver
A1 Tabagators 96 White Las Vegas NV 19
A2 Rebels Select 95 Black Las Vegas NV 1
A3 LV Premier 96 Red Las Vegas NV 28
A4 Nighthawks Las Vegas NV 13
B1 Rebels Select Juniors Las Vegas NV 0
B2 LV Premier 95 Red Las Vegas NV 19
B3 LV Blast FC 95 Las Vegas NV 8
B4 Tabagators 96 Green Las Vegas NV 27
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
9:20am BWilson 1 LV Premier 96 Red 5-2 Nighthawks
9:20am BWilson 2 Rebels Select Juniors 0-1 LV Premier 95 Red
9:20am BWilson 3 LV Blast FC 95 0-2 Tabagators 96 Green
10:40am BWilson 1 Tabagators 96 White 7-0 Rebels Select 95 Black
2:40pm BWilson 7 Rebels Select 95 Black 0-6 LV Premier 96 Red
2:40pm BWilson 8 Nighthawks 2-4 Tabagators 96 White
2:40pm BWilson 9 LV Premier 95 Red 3-0 LV Blast FC 95
2:40pm BWilson 10 Tabagators 96 Green 2-0 Rebels Select Juniors
9:20am BWilson 1 Tabagators 96 White 0-2 LV Premier 96 Red
9:20am BWilson 2 Rebels Select 95 Black 1-7 Nighthawks
9:20am BWilson 3 Rebels Select Juniors 0-1 LV Blast FC 95
9:20am BWilson 4 LV Premier 95 Red 1-3 Tabagators 96 Green
2:40pm BWilson 10 LV Premier 96 Red 1-4 Tabagators 96 Green
4:00pm BWilson 10 Tabagators 96 White 0-5 LV Premier 95 Red
Winner: Tabagators 96 Green
Runner-Up: LV Premier 96 Red
Third: LV Premier 95 Red
Girls U12 Silver
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
GU12 Silver
A1 Downtown LVSC 94 White Las Vegas NV 15
A2 Celtic LV Las Vegas NV 5
A3 Lightning Las Vegas NV 20
A4 LV Premier 94 Red Las Vegas NV 12
B1 Heat FC 94 Blue Henderson NV 8
B2 Rebels Select 94 White Las Vegas NV 4
B3 LV Stars Henderson NV 16
B4 Tabagators 94 White Las Vegas NV 28
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
8:00am BWilson 5 Downtown LVSC 94 White 4-0 Celtic LV
8:00am BWilson 6 Lightning 1-0 LV Premier 94 Red
9:20am BWilson 5 Heat FC 94 Blue 0-0 Rebels Select 94 White
9:20am BWilson 6 LV Stars 2-3 Tabagators 94 White
2:40pm BWilson 1 Celtic LV 1-2 Lightning
2:40pm BWilson 2 LV Premier 94 Red 2-1 Downtown LVSC 94 White
4:00pm BWilson 1 Rebels Select 94 White 0-6 LV Stars
4:00pm BWilson 2 Tabagators 94 White 2-0 Heat FC 94 Blue
1:20pm BuffWash 4 Downtown LVSC 94 White 1-1 Lightning
1:20pm BuffWash 5 Celtic LV 1-1 LV Premier 94 Red
1:20pm BuffWash 6 Heat FC 94 Blue 1-1 LV Stars
1:20pm BuffWash 7 Rebels Select 94 White 0-4 Tabagators 94 White
4:00pm BWilson 2 Lightning 0-5 Tabagators 94 White
4:00pm BWilson 9 Downtown LVSC 94 White 2-4 LV Stars
Winner: Tabagators 94 White
Runner-Up: Lightning
Third: LV Stars
Girls U12 Gold
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
GU12 Gold
A1 Tabagators 94 Green Las Vegas NV 29
A2 Devastation SC 94 Blue Henderson NV 0
A3 Irvine Lasers Irvine CA-S 19
A4 Heat FC 94 Orange Henderson NV 9
B1 LV Premier 94 White Las Vegas NV 27
B2 Rebels Select 94 Red Las Vegas NV 12
B3 Revolution SC Incline Village NV 7
B4 Downtown LVSC 94 Gold Las Vegas NV 11
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
10:40am BWilson 7 Tabagators 94 Green 6-0 Devastation SC 94 Blue
10:40am BWilson 8 Irvine Lasers 3-0 Heat FC 94 Orange
10:40am BWilson 9 LV Premier 94 White 3-0 Rebels Select Red
10:40am BWilson 10 Revolution SC 3-3 Downtown LVSC 94 Gold
5:20pm BWilson 3 Devastation SC 94 Blue 0-2 Irvine Lasers
5:20pm BWilson 4 Heat FC 94 Orange 0-5 Tabagators 94 Green
5:20pm BWilson 5 Rebels Select Red 1-0 Revolution SC
5:20pm BWilson 6 Downtown LVSC 94 Gold 1-2 LV Premier 94 White
9:20am BWilson 5 Tabagators 94 Green 2-0 Irvine Lasers
9:20am BWilson 6 Devastation SC 94 Blue 0-2 Heat FC 94 Orange
9:20am BWilson 7 LV Premier 94 White 3-1 Revolution SC
9:20am BWilson 8 Rebels Select Red 1-1 Downtown LVSC 94 Gold
4:00pm BWilson 7 Tabagators 94 Green 4-0 LV Premier 94 White
4:00pm BWilson 8 Irvine Lasers 0-1 Rebels Select 94 Red
Winner: Tabagators 94 Green
Runner-Up: LV Premier 94 White
Third: Irvine Lasers
Girls U12 Gold
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
GU12 Gold
A1 Tabagators 94 Green Las Vegas NV 29
A2 Devastation SC 94 Blue Henderson NV 0
A3 Irvine Lasers Irvine CA-S 19
A4 Heat FC 94 Orange Henderson NV 9
B1 LV Premier 94 White Las Vegas NV 27
B2 Rebels Select 94 Red Las Vegas NV 12
B3 Revolution SC Incline Village NV 7
B4 Downtown LVSC 94 Gold Las Vegas NV 11
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
10:40am BWilson 7 Tabagators 94 Green 6-0 Devastation SC 94 Blue
10:40am BWilson 8 Irvine Lasers 3-0 Heat FC 94 Orange
10:40am BWilson 9 LV Premier 94 White 3-0 Rebels Select Red
10:40am BWilson 10 Revolution SC 3-3 Downtown LVSC 94 Gold
5:20pm BWilson 3 Devastation SC 94 Blue 0-2 Irvine Lasers
5:20pm BWilson 4 Heat FC 94 Orange 0-5 Tabagators 94 Green
5:20pm BWilson 5 Rebels Select Red 1-0 Revolution SC
5:20pm BWilson 6 Downtown LVSC 94 Gold 1-2 LV Premier 94 White
9:20am BWilson 5 Tabagators 94 Green 2-0 Irvine Lasers
9:20am BWilson 6 Devastation SC 94 Blue 0-2 Heat FC 94 Orange
9:20am BWilson 7 LV Premier 94 White 3-1 Revolution SC
9:20am BWilson 8 Rebels Select Red 1-1 Downtown LVSC 94 Gold
4:00pm BWilson 7 Tabagators 94 Green 4-0 LV Premier 94 White
4:00pm BWilson 8 Irvine Lasers 0-1 Rebels Select 94 Red
Winner: Tabagators 94 Green
Runner-Up: LV Premier 94 White
Third: Irvine Lasers
Girls U13 Silver
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
GU13 Silver
A1 Downtown LVSC 93 Gold Las Vegas NV 12
A2 Unlimited Las Vegas NV 0
A3 Vegas Vengeance Las Vegas NV 14
B1 Crush Las Vegas NV 4
B2 Tabagators 93 White Las Vegas NV 14
B3 NXL 93 Las Vegas NV 9
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
8:00am BuffWash 10 Downtown LVSC 93 Gold 1-0 Unlimited
8:00am BuffWash 11 Crush 0-0 Tabagators 93 White
10:40am BuffWash 10 Unlimited 0-3 Vegas Vengeance
12:00pm BuffWash 11 Tabagators 93 White 3-0 NXL 93
4:00pm BuffWash 10 Vegas Vengeance 1-1 Downtown LVSC 93 Gold
4:00pm BuffWash 11 NXL 93 2-0 Crush
10:40am BWilson 1 Vegas Vengeance 1-3 NXL 93 Semi
10:40am BWilson 2 Tabagators 93 White 0-1 Downtown LVSC 93 Gold Semi
12:00pm BWilson 3 Unlimited 0-3 Crush
5:20pm BWilson 1 NXL 93 3-0 Downtown LVSC 93 Gold
5:20pm BWilson 2 Vegas Vengeance 0-5 Tabagators 93 White
Winner: NXL 93
Runner-Up: Downtown LVSC 93 Gold
Third: Tabagators 93 White
Girls U13 Gold
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
GU13 Gold
A1 Jammers Blue Las Vegas NV 4
A2 Tabagators 93 Green Las Vegas NV 18
A3 49er United Auburn CA-N 4
B1 Porterville United Porterville CA-N 8
B2 Heat FC 93 Blue Henderson NV 0
B3 MSC United 93 Blue Mesa AZ 17
C1 Elk Grove United 93 Rancho Murrieta CA-N 19
C2 Rebels Select Red 93 Las Vegas NV 0
C3 Las Vegas Premier 93 Las Vegas NV 10
D1 Sparta United 93 Salt Lake City UT 1
D2 Devastation SC 93 Blue Henderson NV 9
D3 Heat FC 93 Orange Henderson NV 18
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
10:40am BuffWash 7 Jammers Blue 0-4 Tabagators 93 Green
10:40am BuffWash 8 Porterville United 1-0 Heat FC 93 Blue
10:40am BuffWash 9 Elk Grove United 93 4-0 Rebels Select Red 93
10:40am BuffWash 11 Sparta United 93 1-2 Devastation SC 93 Blue
1:20pm BuffWash 7 Tabagators 93 Green 1-0 49er United
2:40pm BuffWash 9 Heat FC 93 Blue 0-2 MSC United 93 Blue
2:40pm BuffWash 10 Rebels Select Red 93 0-5 Las Vegas Premier 93
2:40pm BuffWash 11 Devastation SC 93 Blue 1-3 Heat FC 93 Orange
5:20pm BuffWash 7 MSC United 93 Blue 1-0 Porterville United
5:20pm BuffWash 8 Las Vegas Premier 93 0-2 Elk Grove United 93
5:20pm BuffWash 9 49er United 1-1 Jammers Blue
6:40pm BuffWash 5 Heat FC 93 Orange 2-0 Sparta United 93
9:20am BuffWash 10 Tabagators 93 Green 2-0 MSC United 93 Blue Semi
9:20am BuffWash 11 Elk Grove United 93 0-5 Heat FC 93 Orange Semi
12:00pm BuffWash 7 49er United 1-1 Porterville United
12:00pm BuffWash 8 Las Vegas Premier 93 0-0 Devastation SC 93 Blue
12:00pm BuffWash 9 Jammers Blue 2-0 Heat FC 93 Blue
12:00pm BuffWash 10 Rebels Select Red 93 03 Sparta United 93
2:40pm BWilson 4 Tabagators 93 Green 0-3 Heat FC 93 Orange
4:00pm BWilson 6 MSC United 93 Blue 1-5 Elk Grove United 93
Winner: Heat FC 93 Orange
Runner-Up: Tabagators 93 Green
Third: Elk Grove United 93
Girls U14 Silver
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
GU14 Silver
A1 Dynomites Las Vegas NV 9
A2 LV Blast 92 Las Vegas NV 28
A3 Tabagators 92 White Las Vegas NV 19
A4 Ohana SC Henderson NV 0
B1 Devastation 92 White Henderson NV 26
B2 Silver Bullets Las Vegas NV 12
B3 NXL 92 Las Vegas NV 0
B4 Revolution SC Incline Village NV 17
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
12:00pm BWilson 1 Dynomites 0-4 LV Blast 92
12:00pm BWilson 2 Tabagators 92 White 2-0 Ohana SC
1:20pm BWilson 1 Devastation 92 White 2-1 Silver Bullets
1:20pm BWilson 2 NXL 92 0-2 Revolution SC
5:20pm BWilson 1 LV Blast 92 2-1 Tabagators 92 White
5:20pm BWilson 2 Ohana SC 0-1 Dynomites
6:40pm BWilson 1 Silver Bullets 5-0 NXL 92
6:40pm BWilson 2 Revolution SC 0-1 Devastation 92 White
10:40am BWilson 3 LV Blast 92 7-0 Ohana SC
10:40am BWilson 4 Dynomites 1-4 Tabagators 92 White
10:40am BWilson 5 Devastation 92 White 4-0 NXL 92
10:40am BWilson 6 Silver Bullets 1-2 Revolution SC
1:20pm BWilson 10 Tabagators 92 White 3-1 Revolution SC
5:20pm BWilson 3 LV Blast 92 01 Devastation 92 White
Winner: Devastation 92 White
Runner-Up: LV Blast 92
Third: Tabagators 92 White
Girls U14 Gold
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
GU14 Gold
A1 Rebels Select 92 Red Las Vegas NV 20
A2 Heat FC 92 Henderson NV 9
A3 Evergreen Soccer Academy Everett WA 28
A4 Downtown LVSC 92 Gold Las Vegas NV 0
B1 Tabagators 92 Green Las Vegas NV 14
B2 Rebels Select 92 White Las Vegas NV 0
B3 Heat FC 92 Orange Henderson NV 11
C1 Red Hots 92 Las Vegas NV 5
C2 NLVA No. Las Vegas NV 5
C3 Utah Avalanche 92 Kaysville UT 20
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
8:00am BuffWash 1 Tabagators 92 Green 4-0 Rebels Select 92 White
8:00am BuffWash 2 Red Hots 92 2-2 NLVA
12:00pm BWilson 6 Rebels Select 92 Red 3-0 Heat FC 92
1:20pm BWilson 3 Evergreen Soccer Academy 3-0 Downtown LVSC 92 Gold
1:20pm BWilson 5 Rebels Select 92 White 0-1 -1 Heat FC 92 Orange
1:20pm BWilson 6 NLVA 0-12 Utah Avalanche 92
6:40pm BWilson 3 Heat FC 92 0-5 Evergreen Soccer Academy
6:40pm BWilson 4 Downtown LVSC 92 Gold 0-5 Rebels Select 92 Red
6:40pm BWilson 5 Heat FC 92 Orange 1-1 Tabagators 92 Green
6:40pm BWilson 6 Utah Avalanche 92 5-0 Red Hots 92
9:20am BuffWash 8 Heat FC 92 2-0 Downtown LVSC 92 Gold
9:20am BuffWash 9 Rebels Select 92 Red 0-1 Evergreen Soccer Academy
10:40am BuffWash 1 Tabagators 92 Green 0-2 Utah Avalanche 92 Semi
10:40am BuffWash 2 Heat FC 92 Orange 4-1 Red Hots 92
12:00pm BWilson 4 Rebels Select 92 White 3-0 NLVA
1:20pm BWilson 9 Utah Avalanche 92 2-0 Evergreen Soccer Academy
2:40pm BWilson 9 Tabagators 92 Green 2-0 Rebels Select 92 Red
Winner: Utah Avalanche 92
Runner-Up: Evergreen Soccer Academy
Third: Tabagators 92 Green
Girls U15 Gold
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
GU15 Gold
A1 Impact Black Salt Lake City UT 4
A2 Downtown LVSC 91 Gold Las Vegas NV 4
A3 CDO Charlton Athletic Tucson AZ 16
B1 Rebels Select 91 Red Las Vegas NV 18
B2 HB United Las Vegas NV 0
B3 Arsenal Gold Fort Collins CO 19
C1 Revolution SC Las Vegas NV 4
C2 Tabagators 91 Green Las Vegas NV 20
C3 Arsenal Royal Fort Collins CO 4
D1 United Spitfire Sacramento CA-N 18
D2 Rebels Select 91 White Las Vegas NV 0
D3 Inter FC 91 Salt Lake City UT 20
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
10:40am BuffWash 3 Rebels Select 91 Red 8-0 HB United
10:40am BuffWash 4 Revolution SC 0-8 Tabagators 91 Green
10:40am BuffWash 5 United Spitfire 6-0 Rebels Select 91 White
10:40am BuffWash 6 Impact Black 0-0 Downtown LVSC 91 Gold
4:00pm BuffWash 3 Rebels Select 91 White 0-7 Inter FC 91
4:00pm BuffWash 4 HB United 0-6 Arsenal Gold
4:00pm BuffWash 5 Tabagators 91 Green 4-0 Arsenal Royal
4:00pm BuffWash 6 Downtown LVSC 91 Gold 0-1 Charleton Athletic
6:40pm BuffWash 3 Charleton Athletic 1-0 Impact Black
6:40pm BuffWash 4 Arsenal Gold 2-0 Rebels Select 91 Red
6:40pm BuffWash 6 Arsenal Royal 0-0 Revolution SC
6:40pm BuffWash 7 Inter FC 91 0-1 United Spitfire
8:00am BuffWash 5 CDO Charlton Athletic 1-5 Arsenal Gold Semi
8:00am BuffWash 6 Tabagators 91 Green 1-0 United Spitfire Semi
10:40am BuffWash 6 Impact Black 0-1 Rebels Select 91 Red
10:40am BuffWash 7 Arsenal Royal 0-3 Inter FC 91
10:40am BuffWash 8 Downtown LVSC 91 Gold 0-0 HB United
10:40am BuffWash 9 Revolution SC 1-2 Rebels Select 91 White
1:20pm BWilson 6 Arsenal Gold 2-1 Tabagators 91 Green
2:40pm BWilson 6 CDO Charlton Athletic 1-6 United Spitfire
Winner: Arsenal Gold
Girls U16 Gold
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
GU16 Gold
A1 Tabagators 90 White Las Vegas NV 0
A2 Rebels Select 90 Red Las Vegas NV 35
A3 Tabagators 90 Green Las Vegas NV 14
A4 Heat FC 90 Henderson NV 18
A5 Westminster FC Samba Westminster CO 22
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
8:00am BuffWash 3 Tabagators 90 White 0-7 Rebels Select 90 Red
8:00am BuffWash 4 Tabagators 90 Green 1-1 Heat FC 90
12:00pm BuffWash 3 Westminster FC Samba 2-1 -1 Tabagators 90 White
12:00pm BuffWash 4 Rebels Select 90 Red 2-1 Tabagators 90 Green
4:00pm BuffWash 7 Heat FC 90 2-2 Westminster FC Samba
8:00am BuffWash 11 Westminster FC Samba 2-1 Tabagators 90 Green
9:20am BuffWash 7 Heat FC 90 2-0 Tabagators 90 White
10:40am BuffWash 3 Rebels Select 90 Red 4-1 Westminster FC Samba
12:00pm BuffWash 11 Tabagators 90 Green 1-0 Tabagators 90 White
2:40pm BuffWash 6 Rebels Select 90 Red 1-0 Heat FC 90
Winner: Rebels Select 90 Red
Runner-Up: Westminster FC Samba
Third: Heat FC 90
Girls U17 Gold
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
GU17 Gold
A1 Yuma Quest Yuma AZ 10
A2 Downtown LVSC 89 Gold Las Vegas NV 0
A3 Rebels Select White Las Vegas NV 20
B1 Fusion Las Vegas NV 0
B2 Tabagators 89 Green Las Vegas NV 15
B3 Heat FC 89 Henderson NV 15
C1 49er United Flash Auburn CA-N 18
C2 Tabagators 89 White Las Vegas NV 9
C3 Xtreme Las Vegas NV 4
C4 NLV Empire No. Las Vegas NV 23
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
9:20am BuffWash 3 Yuma Quest 5-0 Downtown LVSC 89 Gold
9:20am BuffWash 4 Fusion 0-4 Tabagators 89 Green
9:20am BuffWash 6 49er United Flash 1-1 Tabagators 89 White
9:20am BuffWash 7 Xtreme 0-3 NLV Empire
1:20pm BuffWash 3 Rebels Select White 3-0 Yuma Quest
1:20pm BuffWash 4 Heat FC 89 10-0 Fusion
1:20pm BuffWash 5 Tabagators 89 White 1-1 Xtreme
1:20pm BuffWash 6 NLV Empire 0-0 49er United Flash
4:00pm BuffWash 8 Downtown LVSC 89 Gold 0-3 Rebels Select White
4:00pm BuffWash 9 Tabagators 89 Green 2-2 Heat FC 89
9:20am BuffWash 1 Rebels Select White 0-0 PK Tabagators 89 Green Semi
9:20am BuffWash 2 49er United Flash 6-0 Xtreme
9:20am BuffWash 3 Tabagators 89 White 1-3 NLV Empire
1:20pm BuffWash 3 Yuma Quest 1-3 Heat FC 89
2:40pm BuffWash 7 Downtown LVSC 89 Gold 3-2 Fusion
1:20pm BWilson 3 Tabagators 89 Green NLV Empire
2:40pm BWilson 3 Rebels Select White 49er United Flash
Girls U18/19 Gold
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
GU18-19 Gold
A1 CDO Charlton Athletic Tucson AZ 0
A2 Tabagators 88 Green Las Vegas NV 17
A3 LVFC Las Vegas NV 8
B1 Rebels Select 89 Red Las Vegas NV 19
B2 Regulators Las Vegas NV 0
B3 NYSA Fury 88 Red Norman OK 9
SAT Park Field Home Result Visitor
8:00am BuffWash 5 CDO Charlton Athletic 0-1 Tabagators 88 Green
9:20am BuffWash 5 Rebels Select 89 Red 7-0 Regulators
12:00pm BuffWash 5 Tabagators 88 Green 2-0 LVFC
12:00pm BuffWash 6 Regulators 0-6 -1 NYSA Fury 88 Red
2:40pm BuffWash 3 LVFC 1-0 CDO Charlton Athletic
2:40pm BuffWash 4 NYSA Fury 88 Red 0-2 Rebels Select 89 Red
8:00am BuffWash 3 Tabagators 88 Green PK 0-0 NYSA Fury 88 Red Semi
8:00am BuffWash 4 Rebels Select 89 Red 2-1 LVFC Semi
10:40am BuffWash 4 CDO Charlton Athletic 2-3 Regulators
1:20pm BWilson 2 Tabagators 88 Green 0-1 Rebels Select 89 Red
2:40pm BWilson 2 NYSA Fury 88 Red F LVFC
Winner: Rebels Select 89 Red
Runner-Up: Tabagators 88 Green
Third: LVFC
City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup
1 Cal-South 1 CA-S
2 Cal-South 2 CA-S
3 Las Vegas 1 NV
4 Las Vegas 2 NV
SAT Park Field Home Visitor
8:00am BWilson 4N Las Vegas 1 2-2 Cal-South 1
8:00am BWilson 4S Las Vegas 2 2-2 Cal-South 2
1:20pm BWilson 4N Las Vegas 1 1-2 Cal-South 2
1:20pm BWilson 4S Las Vegas 2 2-1 Cal-South 1
Winner – Everyone